Compare prices for Bed Bug Control in Purley
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Our Price: | Croydon Council Price: | You Save: |
£120 | £259.88 |
£139.88 |
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Information on Bed Bug Control:
Bed Bugs (cimicidae) are parasitic insects that prefer to feed on human blood. They are reddish-brown in colour, they are oval-shaped and wingless. They are also very small and adults only grow to be 4-5mm long.They can live for about a year without feeding in cold weather however in warm weather they can only survive without food for about 5 months.
Bed Bugs leave little red marks on your skin after the feed off you.They are painless but itchy and they should be treated immediately by washing the area with soap and water.
If you think you might have bed bugs , firstly check the mattress. you might find the tiny live bed bug, or you may find tiny eggs about the size of a grain of rice. Also you may find dark faecal marks that they left behind. If you find these dark markings , be sure to check the whole room because bed bugs can leave the bed to other parts of the bedroom. Check the insides of pockets, collars and shoes as well.